The Remarkable Journey of an Ambitious Woman
The multi-talented star is currently in cinemas with the film

'L'heureuse Elue'.

Conducted by Guillaume Jean Lefebvre

1. From a very young age, you were interested in the world of entertainment and you learned the piano at the age of 4. You worked for 10 years in a restaurant, while making Internet users laugh with your videos online.

Did you ever think you would have the success you currently have in France?

Music has always been my first passion, and I have been singing since I was 4 years old. After completing my studies, I worked in the restaurant industry for 10 years as a chef de rang. It was during this time that I met director Rebecca Zlotowski. In 2012, I made my acting debut in the film "Grand Central" and also started building my presence on social networks in 2005. I even participated in The Voice and reached the semi-finals. Simultaneously, I posted my first video, "Kim Kardashian's Cousin," which went viral. Following that, I ventured into the world of live performances with my first one-woman show, starting in Marseille and then touring Paris. I worked tirelessly, writing, performing, and rehearsing. My dreams included performing at the Olympia and touring the Zeniths, and 2019 turned out to be an extraordinary year.

I have always dreamed of pursuing this career, and singing has always been my first love. I am currently preparing for the release of my album. The stage holds a special place in my heart, and I have worked hard and patiently waited for this moment.

2: When you started in 2012, you worked in a restaurant and caught the attention of director Rebecca Zlotowski. You landed a significant role in the film "Grand Central" alongside well-known celebrities such as Léa Seydoux. How did your encounter with Rebecca Zlotowski unfold at your workplace? Had she seen any of your internet videos? How did you feel when this opportunity was presented to you?

Rebecca used to come to the restaurant, "La Terrasse des Archives," where I worked and also wrote for the film. I had been in the restaurant industry for almost ten years. One day, she mentioned that she was considering me for a role. Initially, it was meant to be a comedic character, but eventually, she offered me a supporting role. The most intense emotion I experienced during the film was in the scene where my head was shaved. It was a powerful and transformative moment. At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a bit superstitious, as if it was a sign of a new beginning.

Portrait Of The Month

( NOV 2020 / OCT 2024 )


3. You participated in the French version of "The Voice" in 2015. Did that mark a turning point in your career? Can you tell us more about this experience?

Participating in "The Voice" was indeed a turning point in my career. It was my first foray into the world of singing, and it was a fantastic experience. I had the opportunity to meet incredible people, learn and grow as an artist. Dealing with the pressure of performing live was one of the valuable lessons I learned, and I had an amazing time during the tour.

4. Your childhood dream came true, and now you are a recognized actress, comedian, and singer. You seem to be successful in all these areas. Do you feel that life has rewarded you for the joy and humor you bring to people every day?

I do feel fortunate to have achieved success in these different areas. Making people laugh and spreading joy has always been a fundamental part of my artistic expression. It brings me immense happiness to connect with audiences and see them enjoying my work. However, I still have many dreams to fulfill. Some of them include continuing my career as long as possible, releasing my first album, writing a feature film, and maintaining the freedom to make choices that align with my artistic vision.

5. Have you ever considered pursuing an international career or performing on French stages in the United States for your expatriate fans across the Atlantic?

Another dream of mine is to explore opportunities internationally and connect with new audiences. I would love to have the chance to perform abroad. In November 2019, I had the pleasure of performing at the "Ma Dame Comedy Club" in London, in front of an audience largely composed of expatriates. I absolutely loved the experience, and it has fueled my desire to further expand my artistic horizons beyond borders.

Camille Lellouche, who boasts more than 3.4 million subscribers on social networks, reveals herself as a singer, actress, and comedian. With her multifaceted talent, she has garnered widespread acclaim and captivated audiences across various platforms.

" I refuse to choose. I have done 20 years of piano, I have been singing for several years, I make people laugh ... On stage, I do not forbid myself, I like to mix disciplines."

7. You are a talented and funny artist, there's no denying that. However, beneath the surface of this strong and cheerful woman, is there a deeply sensitive side with hidden wounds? Does Camille Lellouche have secrets and vulnerabilities? Is humor a coping mechanism for life's stresses?

We all have our vulnerabilities and past experiences that shape us. These wounds can be a source of inspiration. I composed the track "Mais je t'aime" three years ago, after two months of dating, but I could never finish the song. It wasn't until "Grand Corps Malade," moved by the melody, wrote the lyrics that the song finally came together. Every time we sing "But I Love You," something incredibly powerful happens between us. It's like two actors who love each other for the duration of a film scene.

8. Among the films you've appeared in, which one has touched you the most and why?

"Grand Central" holds a special place in my heart. It was my first experience in cinema, with a powerful role and talented co-stars like Léa Seydoux and Tahar Rahim. It was a significant moment for me, especially as the film was selected at the Cannes Festival.

9. If you could have a duet or act alongside an American actor or actress, who would it be?

In terms of music, I would love to have a duet with Beyoncé or Jessie. As for acting, I would be thrilled to work with actors such as Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington, or Morgan Freeman.

10. Are you comfortable speaking English?

Yes, I'm not fully bilingual, but I have a basic understanding of English. I believe I would be able to perform in English with some work and preparation.

6. You are a natural artist with multiple talents, sincere and far from the superficial image often associated with the entertainment industry. This is undoubtedly one of the reasons for your success.

However, the industry can be a challenging environment, where things can change rapidly. One day you may be on top, and the next day circumstances may cause everything to come to a halt. Are you afraid of this possibility? If you had to choose between singing and acting, which would you choose?

I am often asked this question, but I refuse to choose between singing and acting. I have dedicated 20 years to playing the piano, I have been singing for several years, and I bring laughter to people through comedy. On stage, I don't limit myself to one discipline. I enjoy mixing different artistic expressions. It is a very French mindset to try to categorize artists and have difficulty accepting that someone can excel in multiple areas, such as being a singer, actress, and comedian. But I embrace all three aspects, and I have been fortunate enough to incorporate them into my performances. In 2021, I will be releasing my first album, and I firmly believe that with hard work, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Camille Lellouche Elair Magazine Cover
Camille Lellouche Elair Magazine Cover

A Versatile Talent Shining in Film, Music, and Comedy

Camille Lellouche is a renowned actress, singer, and comedian who has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry. She gained recognition as a revelation at the "Marrakech du rire" comedy festival and has since pursued a successful career in various creative fields.

Starting her film journey in 2013 with the movie "Grand Central," directed by Rebecca Zlotowski, Camille showcased her acting prowess alongside esteemed actors Léa Seydoux and Tahar Rahim. She has also starred in notable films such as "Damien veut changer le monde," "Mon Inconnue," and "Le Dindon."

Passionate about singing from a young age, Camille is preparing for the release of her first album. Her collaboration with Grand Corps Malade on the song "Mais je t'aime" became a popular summer hit with millions of views on YouTube.

With over 3.4 million subscribers on social networks, Camille is also a spokesperson for L'Oréal Paris. Her talent, versatility, and captivating performances continue to captivate audiences and solidify her status as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.

15: How do you face this complicated period or have Covid 19 upset many projects? Do you have any pending projects?

The release of my first album, we started recording at the beginning of the year, and then the first lockdown last March shifted our timing.

16: We come to the end of this interview with a question that we systematically ask our artists.

If you had a message to give to the little girl that you were, and who played piano at the age of 4, full of dreams, ambition and maybe in doubt ... what would it be?

Always believe in your dreams, whether it is to become a singer, an actress, or baking. I would tell them to listen to herself, never give up and work hard.

Credit : Zoé Fidji for "the prescripteur" / Prescription Lab

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